Access to your money from Talis

Client Portal  is a state of the art communication portal between Talis and its clients. It’s a fully hosted ‘cloud’ based solution offering clients 24/7 access to valuation and other information published from the Talis back office system.

The system’s flexibility allows us to give clients access to:

  1. Valuations updated daily
  2. Investment reports
  3. Update personal details
  4. View policies and investments
  5. View assets, liabilities, income, expenditure and employment details and update them online
  6. The ability to upload documents and messages to Talis.
  7. All within a secure online environment.

Clients can also receive all of this via their mobile phone.

It’s a safe and secure, hassle-free way of giving our clients the service they expect in today’s online world. Client portal from Talis – your window on your investment world.

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